How many hours per week should judge's work? See the candidates answers here:

"I was raised in Jefferson County and graduated from Hillsboro High School. After law school, I returned to Jefferson County to work as a Prosecuting Attorney, was appointed to serve as an Associate Circuit Judge, and then returned to service as First Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. I am proud to have made a career of serving my community as both Prosecutor and Judge. I invite and encourage the people of Jefferson County to examine my record as a prosecutor my reputation as a judge, and my relationship with law enforcement when deciding how to cast their vote for Division 3 Circuit Judge."
I feel that now, more than ever, those who work in law enforcement should have the support of the entire community. I understand the brave men and women in law enforcement are the very backbone of a safe county. It has been my honor to work along those same men and women as a Prosecuting Attorney, and to bring justice not only to individual victims, but to the citizens of Missouri as well.
As a Prosecuting Attorney, I see firsthand how victims can have their lives severely impacted for years due to the criminal behavior of others. I firmly believe that those who break the law should be held fully accountable for their actions and I believe that those accused are entitled to a fair day in court. Jefferson County deserves judges that will protect all citizens and I will continue to do exactly that as Circuit Judge.
In our current political climate, I feel it is especially important that judges strive to be dedicated and qualified to give every citizen a fair day in court. Judges should not be primarily politicians; they should be experienced attorneys working to be as fair and knowledgeable as possible in order to create a better court system. I understand that the courts can be difficult to navigate and a source of frustration to citizens. Only through careful and informed selection of judges can we make the system better.
I have tried dozens of serious felony jury trials as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, and I have practiced in a variety of areas of civil law as a private attorney. While I feel that it is important for judges to never stop studying and learning about the law, I am confident in my understanding of Missouri law and of the practical day to day operations of the Court.